If you have stocks which have appreciated value, are concerned about your tax liability and desire to make a donation, you can choose to donate stock to Oasis Sanctuaries Inc. This option allows you not only to deduct the current value of the donated shares, but also avoid capital gains taxes, making them a low-cost option for giving a donation.
If you choose to donate your stocks to charity, you will receive several benefits when you make this gift to Oasis Sanctuaries Inc. :
You may deduct the current fair-market value of your donated shares (up to 30% of your adjusted gross income) from your income taxes, decreasing your overall tax-liability.
You will avoid paying any capital gains taxes on the donated shares.
You can achieve similar tax benefits when donating other appreciated assets. However, please contact Oasis Sanctuary es to discuss asset donations as we are not able to accept all gifts.
Help further the work and mission of our organization.
When you donate your stock to Oasis Sanctuaries, we are able to sell the stock at no tax-liability, so we receive the full sale price of the stocks. You may also choose to transfer your stocks to us and establish a trust, allowing you to potentially increase your annual return for life while still avoiding capital gains taxes. You may choose to designate the gift for a specific program or instruct us to use it toward the greatest need. Whichever way you choose, you will be confident that you are investing in the continuation of the important work of our nonprofit.
If you own stocks that have appreciated in value and desire to make a contribution, you should first sell the stocks so you can claim a capital loss on your tax return, and then donate the proceeds of the sale to Oasis Sanctuaries Inc.
For stock and mutual fund gifts, shares are transferred into an account owned by Oasis Sanctuaries Inc. A Stock Administrator then sells the shares. A check is issued for the value of the stock or mutual fund.
To initiate this process, you can fill out the Broker Transfer Form linked below and instruct your broker to transfer your shares from your account to Oasis Sanctuaries :
Once the check is received, it is deposited and credited according to your intentions, so before making any planned gift, please notify us of your intentions so we can discuss options with you and plan accordingly to honor your desires. Please email our Philanthropy Team.
We are also glad to speak with you, or your financial advisor or attorney, to discuss this giving option in complete confidence and without any obligation. Please call to arrange a conversation : (805) 709-5193 or email our Philanthropy Team.
If you have any questions, email our Philanthropy Team.
*This information is provided without obligation as a service and does not constitute tax or legal advice. We encourage you to consult your tax advisor, lawyer or other financial advisor before making any decisions about contributions from your estate or assets.